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I'm Chloë Donovan, a veterinary surgeon and animal artist based in South East England. 


In my role as a veterinarian I have had the privilege of working closely with all kinds of animals across the world. I have had the immense pleasure of seeing wild animals in their natural environment, and learned of their struggles first hand. As well as pledging my life to help animals with my veterinary qualification I also aspire to use my art as a platform to raise awareness of conservation causes and to fundraise. 


I work in oil paint, which I love for their soft and luminescent qualities. By getting hands on with animals in my vet work I can study not only their appearance and anatomy but also the way they feel - from the velvety coat of a Margay to the hard wrinkles of a Rhino. I want to portray those textures as accurately I can, so that I can share my experiences with viewers of my artworks - and bring the wild right to your home. 

As well as volunteering my time to work on veterinary projects around the world whenever I can, I also donate a proportion of profits of selected works to veterinary and conservation charities so that real animals out in the wild can benefit from the paintings that represent them. 

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